Boyar Value Group Blog : Newsroom (5)

Jonathan Boyar On Finding Value With Markets At/Or Approaching All-Time Highs
Jonathan Boyar was a guest on Yahoo Finance discussing where the Boyar Value Group is finding value with markets at or approaching all-time highs.

Jonathan Boyar On Private Market Value, Spinoffs And More With Tobias On The Acquirers Podcast
On the latest Acquirer’s Multiple podcast with Tobias Carlisle, Jonathan Boyar discussed:

Spinoffs Have Dramatically Underperformed. Here’s How To Profit From Them
Historically spinoffs have been a dependable source of market beating investment ideas. Conventional wisdom says that spun-out entities have thrived when given the freedom to..

The Forgotten Forty: Stocks That Could Outperform In The Year Ahead
On a recent CNBC appearance, Jonathan Boyar identifies a few stocks that we believe could outperform in the year ahead.

Stock Ideas For 2020: Interview with Jonathan Boyar and Frank Curzio
Jonathan Boyar was recently interviewed by Frank Curzio on his Wall Street Unplugged podcast where he discusses Boyar Research’s investment philosophy, two stocks for 2020 and the..

Jonathan Boyar’s MSGN Interview On Yahoo Finance
Jonathan Boyar was interviewed on Yahoo Finance where he discussed his letter to James Dolan that appeared in Forbes where he advocated selling the Knicks and the Rangers.

An Interview With Boyar In Seeking Alpha
The Boyar Value Group just completed an extensive interview that was featured in Seeking Alpha. Some of the topics discussed were:

Jonathan Boyar Interviewed on Yahoo Finance
Jonathan Boyar was interviewed on Yahoo! finance where he discussed Boyar Asset Management’s “orphaned equity” strategy as well as companies he believes to be intrinsically..

Value Hides In Plain Sight: Understanding Hidden Assets And How To Find Them
Over the years, one of our favorite methods of uncovering intrinsically undervalued stocks is by using the “hidden asset method.” The reason we like this method so much is because..

Welling on Wall Street Interview with Mark and Jonathan Boyar
Mark & Jonathan Boyar were interviewed in Welling on Wall Street

Boyar’s Three Conviction Stock Picks For 2019
There’s a fine line in hunting for undervalued companies or plowing into “value traps” that wind up as the next Sears. Guru Jonathan Boyar, president of $200 million-in-assets..

Boyar Research Featured in Welling on Wall Street
We were honored when Kate Welling of Welling on Wall Street asked us if we would like to be interviewed for her insightful publication (we are loyal readers). The 15-page..