The Boyar Value Group was recently featured in Barron’s in an article penned by Nick Jasinski discussing stocks that appeared in our recently released Fresh Looks: A Special Opportunity Issue. An excerpt from the article is below.
“We’ve become increasingly bullish over the medium to long term,” says Jon Boyar of the Boyar Value Group, which includes an investment firm, Boyar Asset Management, and a research arm, Boyar Intrinsic Value Research. “Has the market bottomed? I have absolutely no clue. But I think many stocks have reached a point where the risk/reward is solidly in investors’ favor.”
Boyar’s approach is a more opportunistic style of value investing than traditional value investing, which tends to focus on buying the cheapest stocks. That means defining value relative to his team’s estimates of a company’s future potential, not necessarily relative to the broader market or the company’s industry. Last week, Boyar Research put out a report called “Fresh Looks,” highlighting about a dozen stocks whose share prices have declined more than their business prospects. The median stock in the report was recently down 25% year to date and 32% from its 52-week high….
To read the entire article, please click here (a subscription may be required).
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